How To Make Internet Document Readable

2017/07/31 idea tool

how do i make internet document readable

what is the problem

I am reading some online document for java, but when a finish a section, I nead to review the content, so I can remember those clearly. Here is how the problem came out, basically two problem

  1. I should download those paper
  2. I can write some summary in those papers

so how i resolve that

  1. write a chrome plugin to save it local, much more convient for every platform
  2. same both origin paper and summary in to local storage
  3. support interaction with chrome , can show those summary and paper

so i should set some schedule and do that

  1. this week, sovle save and read things
  2. next week solve summary and markdown things

follow up

then i find out this satuation is only happend in laptap, where people trully want to study. so i change the develop tool to JavaFx where it runs everyware since i write it down


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